Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dreaming I was!

It were yesterday when I started to grow
Folds of wind blowing on my face
Looking deep into the sands beneath the waters
Questioning the very existance
I would wonder if I were to wander about the yester years
Far far away from home... crazy are the childhood dreams
Pearch into the heart and ask me why?
Deepening thoughts of changing the very look of life
Deceiving are my thoughts...
Ever changing but twilighted
Misty shadows that becon hearts... thoughts of a feminine angel
Ask not why but how she chambers your heart to corners
Moments of lust... Moments of honor... Moments in pride
Dreaming I was!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Trebles that shatter the chimes of honor
Whispers of saton while dreamers of the dark empower
Destiny weathered and tumbled
Arms of the angel wide open in the admist of nowhere
Path to glory embedded... sweetness of sorrow brightened
Zaphire is the winds of smelted hearts
Captured and traited; swirled without rupture
Searching but swayed are the eyes
Moist but draught brings the tears
Lessen the pain cry the heart to Lord
Will the will of dark lords empower or thy shall answer prayers... time shall speak

Life is Funnyin its own way!

Life is funny in its own way!!
It changes leaves like in the autumn..
It brings wind which blows cold
We accomudate the changes not knowing the reason why
We play accordingly... to still with the criples
The longer we try standing against it the better we play at it
But God watches the treasons...
The reasons...
Deceptive as life may seem
Pasture to the growth of wilderness
Wanting to cuddle with the someone whom you care about
But that someone is not near
With fear you surrender to the faithless manure
Why do the winds change its path and change its part of growth?
Crazy as it may seem... little does it make sense... but somehow you would want to believe in it!While you await for everything to change around you
Hoping to change the phase of your lifeIt may bring you joy or it may bring you sorrow
Life is funny in its own way!!