Friday, June 15, 2007


Being important to somebody is asking too much of that person; it could be a friend, relative or even a foe. What is more important than making it worthwhile every single day by creating your own aura around the people of the world who need you?

The equation boils down to how, and how much of how little! It is a known evil that everybody feels short of every little thing no matter how much greater one’s got. I would say, it could be simpler if we could just set aside like a penny of our time, energy and resources everyday for the others; I am not trying to set an example, I cannot be an Edward Deeming or a Mother Teresa of the modern era, but, all I am telling is that there is too much in this world which need attention and if each one of us try a little hard we could do good not only to ourselves but our future generations.

Think about a world without hunger, diseases, pain, sorrow, poverty, anger, violence, hatred and all other religious enmity. Inshallah! How green and clean the other side of the grass looks… lets try and not complicate ourselves by showering hatred. Lets all stand united for humanity and oneness; because at the end that is all that matters.


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