Thursday, June 07, 2007


Love, being a complicated term by itself, is a very hard thing to be used. It’s ridiculous to see people love each other so fast and deny that love the next moment. Is it just that you love somebody whom you love only for that particular moment and have no faith in it the next moment? Or is it just that there is an abundance of love found floating in everybody’s shoes which is like a freebee and given to all who passes by.

The true question is…when is it that one loves the other truly? The answer is truly unknown for a long time now. There are umpteen movies having the theme of somebody loving somebody else. Do we really care about who is on screen or do we just pretend that its our life that is being portrayed and just be gallant about it!

The relationships that last for that day have no mere probability that it would last another without any hindrance overcome; this is proved and witnessed by everybody but the fact is nobody wants to talk about it, we all pretend that it never happened. The fact is that it did; if we liked it or not.

Do we all live in such a pretentious world that we don’t really need to care about what we feel and just gel in the moment, not thinking of the future? Why do all of us succumb to mere pleasures than thinking of the future? I feel that all men have rather grown the way they feel like than what they should have actually done. The question of it being just is not important or simply just disregarded. Faith in the modern world has had little or no meaning and for sure has had no impact on the people growing with us.


Blogger Sirisha said... much confused as you are... I go through the same

situations compel you to go further after each love in life and sail thorough various love boats...

gist is all about the feeling...
not all make one love per life...

4:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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4:56 PM  
Blogger vineet said...

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4:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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5:19 PM  
Blogger vineet said...

there can be many possibilites .. depends how an individual takes it !!

loving somebody whom you love only for that particular moment and having no faith in it the next moment? is the kind of person who wants to be the captain of many ships.(for confused ppl - ther is nothing such as momentarily love .. love is all around .. n lasts forever sorry for being philosophical.. in reality there are so many ppl who show love jus for that instant n then forget about it the next moment that does not mean that they r in love .. it is jus that they want to have a nice time for that particular instant leaving all the worries behind .. who wudnt want to have a gud laugh or feel nice for that instant...for a guy like you this situation wud be an apt situation)

we as human beings are imperfect - therz is nothing called as a perfect love or love in itself cannot be defined... different ppl have different feelings for some person which makes them fall in love ...

You have to overcome hindrances in order to maintain a relationship ... ppl fall in love because of differences in their fundamental beliefs... so u got to make sacrifices n overcome certain beliefs..

gel for the moment .. but also think about the future !! ppl stop being caring enough n go for something new !! ppl shud always try to be considerate n think about future relationship rather than little pleasures ... which r transitory but not forever !!

n ur essay is not confusing at all !!
also situations do not compel you to go further after each love .. choices do !!

so if u think that u r in a situation .. jus dont sit n think n crib about it !! feel ur heart n make a choice !!

5:22 PM  

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